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Chernobyl disaster unique photos

In April 26, 1986, in the process of planned testing of one of the gas turbine generators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a powerful explosion completely destroyed the nuclear reactor of the 4th power unit. As a result of the accident, a huge amount (according to experts, several hundred tons) of radioactive substances released during the explosion and in the next few days taken out of the reactor with smoke from fires, dust and other attributes of a nuclear catastrophe fell into the atmosphere, and then soil and water.

Due to the radioactive contamination around the Chernobyl NPP, an Exclusion Zone was created 30 kilometers wide, about 5 million hectares of land suitable for agriculture were withdrawn from service, more than 200,000 people were evacuated, hundreds of small settlements were destroyed and buried underground.

The city of Pripyat, which flourished at that time, was deserted, dried up, and as if turned into an eerie habitat of ghosts, where the gloomy veins of the streets and the empty eye sockets of skull houses are too terrible even for scenes of horror films from George Romero.

In the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, about 240,000 people were involved, who carried out the bulk of the work in 1986-1987. Considering the following years, the total number of liquidators is about 600 thousand.

Although there was a strict prohibition of documenting any information, in particular, for storing and using cameras, but the curiosity of a human has neither fear nor boundaries.

In our hands we got uniqua shots made by one participants of liquidation of consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. The author of the photos is someone Kazydub V.G, on the film he captured the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant both directly after the accident, in April, and during the installation of the sarcophagus in November 1986.

And those are truly a unique photography ...


  1. Evil Viking says:

    Omg O_o
    Great fotos!

  2. Nata says:

    Totally agree πŸ™‚

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