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Halloween 2018 in Spain
Topless in jeans
Halloween 2018 in Spain

Halloween in a Castle

Come with me and take a look yourself!

We all know, the impressive castles of Europe are a thing of beauty.  They transport you to another era, one with servants, maids and ladies in waiting. It is as though time stands still while you become part of the magnificent royal lifestyle. But it isn’t just the lives of the noble that are so fascinating, crossing the threshold into the lower sections of these majestic buildings  will give you a glimpse into a different universe…

Spend long enough time in these castles and a story will begin to unfold before your eyes. However, lurking underneath the regal facade of these elegant forts is the real tale. It may be one that did not have a happy ending, or perhaps it is a finale shrouded in secrecy.

If you are brave enough to stay in a castle this Halloween, here are just a few castles to tempt you...

Updated 31.10.2018

But I’m going to take you to Cesis castle in Latvia! Do you dare spend Halloween in a Castle?

This castle is Levonian castle. Its ruins are some of most impressive castle ruins in all Baltic states. It used to be the most important castle of the Livonian Order, and it was official residence for the masters of orden. Truly impressive building but it was partly destroyed during the Great Northern War 1700-1721.

Gardens around castle are amazing, and views in autumn are magical. Come with me and take a look yourself!

(this photoshoot is from 2017 but i’m adding 25 pictures more to it from a backstage and few exclusive ones - which I didn't post before.

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