San Francisco
Vilnius Skydiving club
San Francisco
Vilnius Skydiving club

Big Basin Redwoods state park

“These trees, because of their size and antiquity, were among the natural wonders of the world and should be saver for posterity.”

- Andrew P.Hill, 1899

Big Basin Redwoods, California’s oldest state park, covers more than 18,000 acres ranging from sea level to more than 2,000 feet elevation. This acreage launched the state park movement in California.

Big Basin’s attraction - literally - is a rare stand of awe-inspiring, ancient coast redwoods that are among the tallest and oldest trees on Earth. Some measure more than 300 feet tall and 50 feet in circumference. Scientists estimate that these trees may range from 1,000 to 2,500 years old.

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